School- based programs | Wall murals and canvas | Artwork for sale | Dreamtime/ story telling | Designing/consulting artwork projects for schools/organisations | Consultation with Reconciliation Action Plans | …and more


We can provide a range of programs and services suitable for preschools, primary schools and high schools.

All of our programs can be tailored to suit the individual requirements of the school.

Cultural activities such as:

  • Art, Dance, Storytelling
  • Acknowledgement of Country
  • Dance Performances
  • Wall Murals
  • Yarning Circles
  • Friendship Poles
  • Story telling – Dreamtime Stories
  • Cultural Artefacts
  • Bushtucker Gardens
  • Cultural Safety Training
  • Language
  • Canvas artwork
  • Message Sticks

Corporate & Government

We are committed to educate organisations by strengthening their understanding of our Aboriginal Culture.

  • Cultural Safety Training
  • Artwork for Sale – see our Arts page to look at some of our work. There is much more at Kurranulla offices in Jannali. Pop in for a look.
  • Acknowledgement of Country
  • Dance Performances
  • NAIDOC Events
  • Welcome to Country plaques in local language and English language
  • Individual and Team Artworks
  • Smoking Ceremony

Community & Youth

  • Art workshops
  • Artefacts
  • Small individual artworks or group collaborative artwork
  • Boomerangs, clapsticks, message sticks painting
  • Bush foods
  • Aboriginal Youth Mentoring
  • Group murals
  • Womens Group
  • Mens Group
  • Drop in centre – our doors are always open so pop in for a cuppa and a yarn