Gnarra Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP)
“Gnarra” is an Aboriginal word from the Sydney area and means “To listen – to hear”. “Gnarra”, symbolises Aboriginal values that are central to Kurranulla’s approach: “To listen – to hear”, the messages from Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders in the Sutherland Shire and St George area will lay the foundation stones for the right approach to accessing services.

Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation CHSP Consumer Handbook
DownloadGnarra CHSP Aboriginal Program
The Gnarra CHSP Aboriginal Program is supported by financial assistance from the Australian Government.
Our Support Programs

Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation provides Commonwealth Home Support Program services (CHSP).
The range of CHSP service types delivered include:
- Assistance with Care and Housing
- Social Support – Group
- Social support – Individual
- Transport
You will have been assessed by My Aged Care for one of these CHSP programs. If you are not sure of your program please ask us.
Services We Offer
The services we offer under these programs can include:
- Assistance for Care and Housing: Supports those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, to access appropriate and sustainable housing as well as community care and other support services.
- Social Support – Group: Assists people to participate in community life and develop social connections through group-based activities.
- Social Support – Individual: Assists people individually to participate in community life and feel socially included.
- Transport and personal assistance: Assistance with shopping, visiting health practitioners and attending social activities.
Services are generally provided Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm.
Assessment and Reviews
To receive services from Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation you would have been assessed by someone organised through My Aged Care. Our staff reviewed the information from My Aged Care at your Service Commencement Meeting and obtained more information from you in order to develop a support plan for you. We will review or re-assess your support whenever you or our staff feel it is necessary or required, and at least once every 12 months.
Support Plan

When you commence services with us we develop a Support Plan with you based on the assessment and support needs identified by My Aged Care and with input from you on your needs and preferences. The Support Plan clearly shows:
- The services you will receive
- The days and times services will be delivered
- Your preferences for how services will be delivered
- Your goals for each service and
- Any special requirements.
The Support Plan is important for ensuring you know what is going on and for staff to know what support to provide to you. The support plan is updated whenever your needs or preferences change. You will always be provided with a copy of your up to date support plan.
Consumer Contributions and Charges
Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP)
Your Contributions

Consumers are required to pay a small contribution for the support they receive from Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation for home support services, if they can afford to. A schedule of the fees will be provided to you at your Commencement Meeting. You can at any time contact the office for an up to date schedule of fees.
Our fees are revised twice per year, in line with adjustments made by the Government to the Aged Care Pension in March and September, and with consideration to your ability to pay. We will advise you of any changes.
You are most welcome to discuss your contribution level or any changes to it with us.
Contribution reduction
We recognise that the circumstances of some people may make it difficult to pay the contribution for support. If you are experiencing difficulties, you can request a contribution reduction by completing a Contribution Reduction Form. In assessing your request, we consider your income, household circumstances and any other special circumstances or hardships that make it difficult for you to pay. You will be advised of the result of your request within 15 working days.
Our Fees CHSP Clients
Transport One Way | $10.00 |
Transport Return | $15.00 |
Social Support Individual | $15.00 per hour |
Social Support Group Outings | $20.00 per day |
Social Support Group at KAC | $15.00 per day |
Our Fees Home Care Package (HCP) Clients
Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation is not currently an Approved Provider to manage clients Home Care Packages. Clients who have a HCP with another Approved Provider example with Australian Unity, may purchase services from KAC. Fees will vary and be negotiated with the client’s package holder.
Charter of Rights
Charter of Aged Care Rights

I have the right to:
- safe and high quality care and services;
- be treated with dignity and respect;
- have my identity, culture and diversity valued and supported;
- live without abuse and neglect;
- be informed about my care and services in a way I understand;
- access all information about myself, including information about my rights, care and services;
- have control over and make choices about my care, and personal and social life, including where the choices involve personal risk;
- have control over, and make decisions about, the personal aspects of my daily life, financial affairs and possessions;
- my independence;
- be listened to and understood;
- have a person of my choice, including an aged care advocate, support me or speak on my behalf;
- complain free from reprisal, and to have my complaints dealt with fairly and promptly;
- personal privacy and to have my personal information protected;
- exercise my rights without it adversely affecting the way I am treated
Complaints and Feedback
Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation encourages you to provide feedback on the support we provide. This assists us to better meet your needs and to plan for the future.
If you are unhappy with any of the services you receive, please let us know. If you do not feel comfortable with the Support Worker who visits you, please let the Team Leader know and a change of staff can be arranged if necessary. We have continuous improvement processes in place that use your feedback to improve our services.
Similarly, we enjoy hearing when we do things well; feel free to provide compliments about our service.
All complaints and feedback are treated in confidence and will not affect the quality of support you receive or any other dealings you have with Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation.
Complaints Procedure
- You are encouraged to raise your complaint with the staff member concerned if you feel comfortable to do so.
- If you are not happy to discuss the issue with the staff member or are not satisfied with the outcome you can contact the appropriate Team Leader. If your complaint concerns the Team Leader you can contact the Manager directly. Remember that you can use an advocate to assist you. Key staff phone numbers are listed above in 1.1 Contacting Us. We will always practice open disclosure and be open and transparent in sharing with you any elements of your complaint or care.
- The Team Leader will liaise with the Manager to work to resolve the complaint.
- If the issue is not satisfactorily resolved, you can submit your complaint in writing to: Manager Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation 15 Jannali Ave, Jannali NSW 2226
- We are happy to assist you with this if you phone the office.
- If you are unhappy with the Manager’s decision you may wish to contact one of the advocacies and external complaints contacts listed over the page. Again, we can help you with this.
- Once your complaint has been finalised someone from Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation will be in touch to make sure you still feel comfortable to access support and to ask for your feedback on the complaint process.