Upcoming Events

Naidoc 2023
Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation, in partnership with Sutherland Shire Council, will host NAIDOC Week celebrations at Gunnamatta Park Pavilion, Cronulla on the 6th July 2023.
NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia each July to celebrate the narrative of our nation and the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
NAIDOC Week also coincides with school holidays, which provides a great opportunity for families to participate and learn more about Sutherland Shire’s local Aboriginal heritage.
gumbul djaadjaa (strong brother) men’s group
The gumbul djaadjaa men’s group is a Social Support group run through Kurranulla weekly on Tuesdays.
gumbul djaadjaa men’s group brings together Aboriginal men to avoid social isolation and participate in a range of activities such as;
Fishing, BBQ’S, Cultural Outings, attending Movies and Football Games
gumbul djaadjaa men’s group also have regular health and well-being activities.

Yanadi women’s group
Yanadi women’s group
Yanadi women’s group is a Social Support group run through Kurranulla. The Yanadi Women’s Group meets weekly on Fridays and brings together Aboriginal women to participate in a range of activities such as;
Arts and Crafts, Candle Making, Traditional Weaving, Jewellery making and much more.
Yanadi women’s group have regular health and well-being activities.

Aboriginal Kids and Youth Cultural Program
Open to all Aboriginal children aged 4-16 years old.
A cultural program to ensure our youth can develop a strong connection to their culture and identity.
As Aboriginal people, we know just how important it is to create a connection to one’s identity and country, knowing that together they form the foundations of belonging.
To book call Kurranulla on 9528 0287 or email Noah@kurranulla.org.au
Activities will include:
- Art
- Dance
- Storytelling
- Didge
- Artefacts
Past Events
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day
Kurranulla proudly celebrated National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day (Children’s Day) held yesterday, 4 August.
In 2020, the theme of “We are the Elders of tomorrow, hear our voice” acknowledged the role that children play as future custodians of First Nations cultures, and the importance of their voices being heard.
Our Elders are the holders of traditional knowledge, working to uphold the rights and improve the lives of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Passing on our traditions from generation to generation over thousands of years is why Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are some of the oldest on earth.
Children’s Day celebrates the unique knowledge and wisdom of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, starting in childhood, and has been marked since 1988.
The date, 4 August, was chosen to communally celebrate the birthdays of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people taken from their families at a young age – the Stolen Generations.
We want our children to grow up strong, proud of their identities.

EORA Elders Olympics
The EORA Elders Olympics provides Elders with an opportunity to enjoy and participate in sport and recreational activities that promote good health and an active lifestyle. The event recognises the significant contribution Elders make to their communities, and promotes the benefits of exercise for both the body and mind.
Five teams compete in the Olympics: Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation, Wyanga Aboriginal Aged Care, Australian Unity, Redfern Aboriginal Medical Service and Guriwal Aboriginal Corporation.
The teams compete in a day of competition with events as varied as Gorri, Pass the Footy, Quoits, Kee’an, Egg & Spoon, and more, with the day culminating in a 100 metre team relay race.
The event has been held since 2015 and aims to raise awareness of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture within south-eastern Sydney.
It also promotes healthy lifestyles and wellbeing, provides opportunities for engagement in social activities and encourages participants to develop ongoing networks.
Information stalls at the event also provide attendees with advice on disability services, health checks, nutrition and healthy lifestyle.
Naidoc Week
Kurranulla Aboriginal Corporation, in partnership with Sutherland Shire Council, hosts NAIDOC Week celebrations at Gunnamatta Park Pavilion, Cronulla.
NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia each July to celebrate the narrative of our nation and the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
NAIDOC Week also coincides with school holidays, which provides a great opportunity for families to participate and learn more about Sutherland Shire’s local Aboriginal heritage.